JAN UNDERWOOD/DAYTON DAILY NEWS DAYTON POLICE OFFICERS salute their fallen comrades Friday during the annual Police Memorial service held outside Sinclair Community College. Community salutes fallen officers ———— This year’s ceremony also honor’s those killed off-duty By JOANNE HUIST SMITH josmithia Dayton Daily News.com DAYTON — Dayton’s eternal guardian angles were honored friday at the city’s annual Police Memorial at Sinclair Community College. Bustle on the downtown campus paused at noon as the walkway in front of Building 10 filled with police officers, civic lead. ers and the families of officers who made the ultimate sacrilice. The ceremony concluded Nation- al Police Week and also honored the more than 17,000 law en forcement officers who have died “They gave their all,” Dayton to one of its own. throughout our nation’s history. Police Director Julian Davis said. Detective Marylou Goodwill “The Good Shepherd lays For the first time, the memori. Phillips, a 19-year veteran, redown his life for his sheep. These al service paid tribute to nine offi- ceived the Whalen Award for outofficers, Lord, both past, pres. cers who died off-duty. standing community-oriented poent and future are the good shep. The family of six-year veteran lice work. The award is named for herds of yesterday, today and to Officer Kevin Brame, in previous Officer Steve Whalen, who was morrow,” Dayton Officer Chris years, had stood on the sidelines shot to death in 1991. Fischer said. “We ask for a shield during the memorial service. Fri Goodwill-Phillips is part of a of loving protection for police of day they sat with the families of team that investigates the most ficers everywhere.” other fallen officers. serious cases of sexual and physiThe names of 24 Dayton offic: “It does help,” said Geralit cal abuse of children. She’s also a es who have died on the job were Brame, Kevin’s father. member of the Suicide Prevention read aloud as retired police offi Brame, 31, whose slaving re- board of directors and a certified cers placed carnations in a wreath mains unsolved, was killed on instructor of child forensic interto honor them. The list began Cherry Drive outside the home viewing with the Ohio Network with Officer Lee Bull Lynam, 33, where his estranged wite, Carla, of Children’s advocacy Centers who was gunned down in Grable’s and two sons lived. Beyond the Silenced Program. Tavern on Third Street down. “When justice comes, we will “Her dedication to serving the town on Jan. 7. 1880. He was trv. have closure, but we still won’t needs of our community’s abused ing to helu a voung man who was have Kevin,” his father said. “We children is bevond reproach,” Sgt. drunk. The final name on the list would rather have kevin.” Thomas E. Flanders said in a litWas Officer Mary L. Beall, who The police department also ter recommending her for the died Aug. 25, 2002. took a moment to say “well done” illard.

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