Officer’s widow wants detectives quizzed Carla R. Brame, 12 MacGregor including it toxicology report and She contends reports Drive, Trotwood, last week asked autopsy report, is needed for about husband’s Judge Jeffrey E. Froelich of Mont Brame’s insurance companies to gomery County Common Pleas process claims for his life slaving are withheld Court to issue in temporary restrain insurance. ing order against the police and the According to Greche detectives postmaster. have refused to release the information By Ron MODIC Per lawsuit ilsked Froelich to bar’ tion because their investigation is Discon Thanilo lile the postmaster from logging mail to man to continuing and the reports are Mrs. Brame’s residence and to prout from Ohio’s public records DAYTON Rebuffed from get. Order Divion police to forward toxicology. ting il court order against Dayton cology and autopsy reports to her Greene contended that without police last week, the widow of it ittorney. Dayton police officer slain while off: Atter il closed meeting with the the information, Carla Briame and duty now wants two police investi: judge and city, county and federal her two young children could lose gator’s put under oath. attorney’s representing Agencies their home and the children might Ollicer leavin Brauma31. was named in Brame’s law’sulit. Froelich have to withdrall from parochial fatally shot in the neck Nov. 1 out took 10 action. School. Side his wife’s home in 621 Cherry Mrs. Brame’s inttorney; James R. Drive, after he dropped off his chil. Greene III, iske prorlich on Mon No Neil could not be reiched for dren. Ile had been on the force six day to slibpoenit Detectives Cart comment lte Tilrschil!’. Mill’s. Dunsky and Doyle Burke to live froclich’s bilill said the city has Dayton police have not identified sworn information about Brane’s throp works to respond to Circene’s any suspects. death. Groene said the information, motion.

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