Cop’s widow sues police chief, postmaster Claims interference with insurance settlement attempts By Row MODIC Duston lul VIDS DAYTON – The widow of a Dayton police officer who was slain while off-duty sued the Dayton police chief and the Dayton post master Monday, claiming they interfered with her mail and with her attempts to obtain an insurance settlement in her husband’s death. Officer Kevin Brame, 31, was fatally shot in the neck Nov. 1 outside his wife’s home at 62:1 Cherry Drive, after he dropped off his children. He had been on the police force six years. Dayton police have not identified any suspects. Carla R. Brame, 12 MacGregor Kevin Drive. Trot- Brame wood, asked Judge Jeffrey E. Froelich of Mont. gomery County Common Pleas Court to issue a temporary restraining order against the police and the postmaster. The lawsuit, filed on behalf of Mrs. Brame by attorney James R. Greene III.charges that Mrs. Brame was informed by an insurer that it cannot process her claim on her husband’s life insurance because it Il a dn’t received completed toxicolPolice Chief ogy and Ron Lowe all topsy reports from the investigation of her husband’s death. On Dec. 28, Mrs. Brame was informed “by an agent” of the Day. ton postmaster that mail going to her current residence was “being pulled and logged” at the request of Dayton police detectives, the complaint said. Greene attached to the lawsuit two letters he sent to Police Chief Ronald Lowe demanding the chief remove the Dayton investigator, Detective Gary Dunsky, from the case. The lawsuit asks Froelich to bar the postmaster from delaying. pulling or logging any mail to Mrs. Brame’s residence and to order Dayton police to forward a copy of the toxicology and autopsy reports to her attorney. Froelich scheduled a closed meeting on the lawsuit for 10 11.11. today. J. Rita McNeil, law director for the city of Dayton, declinci com. ment. Attorney Greenecould not be reached for comment. A Dayton police spokeswoman could not be reached for comment Monday.

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